Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Natural from the beginning....

So your going natural??? The truth of the matter we all started out natural, none of us were born with relaxed hair. However I am pretty sure none of us remember our natural days. I was 7 when I got my first perm and I do remember the day like it was yesterday. My mother couldn't handle me crying anymore(I am extremely tender headed) so she took me to the salon. Two jars of perm later and my hair was blowing in the wind. I am sure at the time my mother did what she felt was best. I am not here to say there is anything wrong with getting your hair relaxed, because I did for most of my life. What I can tell you is I started out with thicker than life hair and by the time I cut it off it was thinner than We live in society that is slowly embracing natural hair and our children are joining in the journey. My daughter's hair is exactly where mine was at her age and I can see why my mother relaxed it. Lol But I have made a promise to myself and my daughter not to relax her hair, and instead make hair fun for her. I am no professional, but I try new things on her and allow her to see all of the wonderful things you can do with natural hair. This weekend she will be attending her first natural hair event, so she can see that this hair is not just a HER thing. I encourage you to show your little ones the beauty in their hair so they learn to embrace, not run from it. We did a quick up do last night. It took less than 30 minutes. The products I used are pictured below.

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