Monday, November 24, 2014

Make up Mondays: featuring Ariell Ash

Happy Monday loves. It has been a trying couple of weeks, but with every new day brings new sunshine. I hope you all have been well. It is Monday again and we are back at makeup Mondays with our favorite makeup artist Ariell Ash a.k.a Rollinwithstone.

Have you ever considered making a career as a professional makeup artist, but not sure how to get started? Ariell shares with us some tips on how to get started as a freelance makeup artist.

10 tips to becoming a professional makeup artist

1. Learn. Learn. Learn.  Expand your knowledge of artistry and never stop
2.Try to get a job at any makeup counter. This is extremely helpful but not necessary.
3. Be professional at all times, you never know who you are meeting.
4. Build relationships everywhere you go.
5. Contrary to what some people may believe you are your best advertisement so never walk outside of the door without looking your absolute best.
6. Expand your knowledge on products and keep up with the latest products and trends.
7. Actively utilize and be consistent with social media.
8. Make sure all your products and tools are clean and tidy as well as your workstation wherever that might be.
9. Use the most professional  and sanitary sampling procedures.
10. Be consistent with all of the nine steps stated above.

These were just a few tips to help you jump start your career as a makeup artist. If you have any questions please leave a comment.

Instagram: @rollinwithstone
Youtube: rollinwithstone


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