Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Real Talk Wednesdays: Reality check!!!

We can to often get caught up with the superfluous things of this world as if nothing else exists. We are a materialistic brain washed society of the have and the have not's. We have become a nation with a lost self-identity. We only follow the latest fad or trends that are displayed in a vain fashion. We have become accustomed to half-dressed women and overly violent television to the point where our human compassion as become immune to the narcissistic behavior of those around us. Each of us afraid to stand out, for fear that we may stand alone. SO WHAT??? Originality has been stretched to the limit and is overshadowed by stagnant copycats. People are afraid to be themselves because when you are in your own headspace you are ostracized for being too different from the "Societal Norm". Wouldn't you rather stand for something than fall for anything??? It's easier for us to belittle and degrade one another but hard as hell for us to stand by and support one another. Love and be loved. Each one teaches one. These are phrases that have somehow gotten placed in the back of our minds and replaced with unnecessary distractions. A sicken epidemic that is being passed from generation to generation. We are responsible for what we teach our children and it shows what is being passed down isn't worth much. We focus onto much of negative news, images and thoughts. When will enough be enough, how many lives must be lost before we realize how precious it is. A million acts of kindness go unnoticed overshadowed by the one inhumane act. All day we are being bombarded with negativity from all sides Gossip, News, Music, Television and people in our lives. It is time to break free from the pressure of mediocrity and listlessness. What's wrong with this picture? I challenge you today and every day to be that difference; that person that stands for something, not the person that falls for anything.

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