Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Real Talk Wednesdays: Forgiveness

Why does it seem that forgiving someone is the hardest thing for us to do? When someone has hurt us or done us wrong we tend to hold on to the pain, rather than forgive him or her. Do we think that if we forgive a person we are weaker because we are not being typical in holding on to the initial hurt feelings? Choosing to reevaluate the situation and be the bigger person has its rewards. Our belief is that if we don't grant forgiveness we are hurting them, the same way they hurt us. This way of thinking is crippling to a positive state of mind. When we choose not to forgive someone we are actually hurting ourselves more. Forgiving someone releases the negative energy that is caused by that adverse situation. The process of forgiving someone who has done you wrong is not an easy one, but it is a goal that can be attained. When we choose to walk around with an unforgiving heart it can affect so many other areas of our life without us knowing. By not forgiving we build up anxiety, stress and negative feelings towards that person. This will always take over when that person is mentioned or seen. Nothing should have that much control over you. Liberate yourself, your emotions and forgive. Positivity and understanding what forgiveness unlocks is the key to a happier live. If there are person/persons in your life that have hurt you I challenge you today to make an effort to forgive them.

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