Friday, December 5, 2014

Style Stalk Friday: Ighorodje Elizabeth

Well hello there loves. It has been a while since we have had a style stalk feature. Not because there are no amazing fashionistas, but because I had one heck of a November. With that being said I am hopeful that the last month in 2014 will be the best yet. Sooooooo it's Friday and we all know what day that is***** Yup Yup it's Style Stalk Friday!! It's the day I most look forward to, and I am sure you do to..

This week we are featuring the beautiful Idhorodje Elizabeth, her style is down right a breath of fresh air. She finds a way to recognized trends while not getting lost in them. Her style is comfortable all while remaining chic, you don't see her always rocking the highest stiletto, but she is still fabulous. That to me is a true fashionista!!!


1. When did you fall in love with fashion?
I've always had a "weird" love for fashion. "Weird" because I loved seeing the way people dressed and put outfits together but didn't like dressing up myself.. But as I grew older, I began to appreciate fashion even more..I started learning how to put different outfits together in my own way and actually pulling it If I loved an outfit, I would copy it but always put my own flare to make it represent me and how I am,because I believe everyone needs to have a unique style..

2 Who/What are you fashion inspirations?
My fashion inspirations has to be Lua(IG name:luanna90), Zendaya Coleman and Taylor Swift. The first two are because I really admire tomboy fashion and Taylor because I love her body and simply the way clothes look on her.

3. How would you describe your style?
I describe my style as simple, classy and dope. And I love daring and unique outfits...

Extras: I feel fashion is not really about buying the most expensive clothes or wearing the best brands or wearing multiple colors or looking slutty..I even feel you are fashionable if you can make a pair of jeans and a T-shirt look dope and classy..(well, my opinion anyways)

Don't let the inspiration stop here. Follow her @fantazzy93 and get your daily dose of fabulous!!

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